TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY / Fizika kategória termékei
Applied Fluid Mechanics

: Applied Fluid Mechanics


New York; Toronto, 1990


Merrill Publishing Company Macmillan Publishing Company


Fizika Angol nyelv Gépészet




645 p.






The objective of this book is to present the basic principles of fluid mechanics and the application of these principles to practical, applied problems. Primary emphasis is on the topics of fluid statics, flow of fluids in pipes, open channel flow, flow measurement, forces developed by fluids in motion, and the flow of gases.
Applications are shown in the fields of mechanical engineering technology including fluid power, chemical engineering technology including flow in processing systems, civil engineering technology as applied to fluid storage and distribution systems and open channel flow, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This book is directed to anyone in a technical field where the ability to apply the principles of fluid mechanics is desirable.
Those using this book are expected to have an understanding of algebra, trigonometry, and physics mechanics. After completing the book, the student should have a suffciently firm foundation in the field to continue learning if he or she desires. Other applied courses, such as fluid power, could be taught following this course, or this book could be used to teach selected fluid mechanics topics within such a course.
The approach used in this book encourages the student to become involved in the learning of the principles of fluid mechanics at three levels:
1. The understanding of concepts
2. The recognition of the logical approach to problem solutions.
3. The ability to perform the details required in the solutions.
This multilevel approach should build the student's confidence in his or her ability to solve problems.
Concepts are presented in clear language and illustrated by reference to physical systems with which the reader should be familiar. An intuitive justification as well as a mathematical basis is given for each concept.


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