TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNY (történelem nélkül) / Irodalomtörténet kategória termékei
Critical Anthology for the Study of Modern Irish Literature

Critical Anthology for the Study of Modern Irish Literature



Budapest, 2003


Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó


Irodalomtörténet Ír irodalom Tankönyv


353 p.






"The collection entitled Critical Anthology for the Study of Modern Irish Literature is a textbook that aims to assist the work of students and teachers of Irish literature courses at the English departments of Hungarian universities and teachers' training colleges. It contains extracts from a selection of articles and books which were originally published by scholars from Ireland and other English-speaking countries and deal with modern Irish literature from the 18th century to the present, understanding "modern" in the broader sense. The inclusions represent a range of critical approaches and perspectives from the more traditional to the theoretical, therefore some of them concerning the same areas enter into fruitful dialogue with each other. Together they also represent the richness and diversity of the contemporary inquiry into modern Irish literature written in English. The anthology is divided into three parts: the first one focuses on aspects of the Irish cultural background, the second one offers material on Irish literature in the colonial period and during the Literary Revival, and the third one includes extracts from critical texts that analyse literature written after independence to the present. Critical Anthology for the Study of Modern Irish Literature is the first textbook of its kind published in Hungary to make such a selection available. Its material was selected and edited by Mária Kurdi, who teaches in the Department of English Literatures and Cultures at the University of Pécs and has widely published on Irish literature."


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