TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY / Matematika kategória termékei
Tables of the Cumulative Binomial Probability Distribution

Tables of the Cumulative Binomial Probability Distribution


Cambridge, 1955


Harvard University Press


Matematika Angol nyelv




503 p.


20 x 27 cm




In 1952 the Aeronautical Research Laboratory of the United States Air Force requested the Computation Laboratory to undertake the tabulation of the cumulative binomial distribution. At the time the Mark IV Calculator was under construction and the Staff was engaged in a variety of problems which fully occupied Mark I. Accordingly the computation of the tables given in the present volume was delayed until the completion of Mark IV. Hence the present volume is the first of the Annals to be computed with this machine.
The preliminary analysis and the programming for the calculator were prepared by J. Orten Gadd, Jr. and Peter F. Strong, who also proposed the inclusion of certain fractional values of the probability parameter in the tables. This was based upon the frequent occurrence of these values in the applications. It was early recognized that the composition of the tables should be consistent with the needs of actual practice, and moreover that a thoroughgoing discussion of the practical use of the tables would represent an important part of the Introduction. Accordingly, Frederick Mosteller was consulted in this connection. Not only did he prepare a substantial document on applications for use in the Introduction, but he provided much valuable advice, and through him the Laboratory made contact with a number of persons who gave further advice on the matter of arrangement of the tables and on the relative usefulness of various grids of fractions. Because a single final choice had to be made, and because space was limited, not all suggestions could be adopted.


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