TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNY (történelem nélkül) / Pedagógia kategória termékei
How to Become a Professional Engineer. The Road to Registration

: How to Become a Professional Engineer. The Road to Registration


New York; London; Sydney; Toronto, 1988


McGraw-Hill Book Company


Pedagógia Angol nyelv




266 p.






˝The increase in engineering activity throughout the country in the years following World War II has stimulated interest in the state registration laws that regulate the practice of professional engineering in all of its manifestations and in the administration and enforcement of these laws. Existing laws are continually being amended and new statutes are being enacted to replace inadequate laws to keep up with the times. There is a trend that has manifested itself by placing "public" members on boards of registration. These individuals are not engineers nor are they technically inclined in engineering matters. There was some resistance initially to having public members on the boards, particularly with regard to giving each public member a vote on the technical qualifications of applicants; however, opposition has softened considerably as experience has indicated that these members will not be authorized to invade technical areas that are beyond their competence. Time has borne out the fact that public members on boards are good for the engineering profession as they have shown that there is nothing secret or sinister in the way boards handle their business. Public board members have proven to be good allies in helping the public understand the true purpose and public benefit of the registration laws. Public members primarily serve as a conduit for the public to the boards. This has helped to provide the public with knowledge of the boards' duties and has also assisted in providing the public with a greater degree of confidence in the registration process.˝


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