MŰVÉSZET / Építészet kategória termékei
Creating Privacy in the Garden

, : Creating Privacy in the Garden


New York, 1997


Rizzoli Editore


Építészet Kertészet Wonderful Garden




144 p., ill.






Outdoor living is becoming more and more popular as a way of expanding living spaces and enjoying nature. An outdoor space, whether generous or tiny, should be a refuge from the cares of daily life – a place to relax, read, converse, entertain, dine, soak in a hot tub, or otherwise play in privacy, protected from curious neighbors, unsightly views, and the hubbub of the surrounding world.
Outdoor privacy seldom occurs naturally, except in expansive or rural settings. However, through creative use of structures, plants, and landscaping, it is possible to create enjoyable areas of repose, even with narrow side yards or tall buildings looming nearby.
Creating Privacy in the Garden provides essential information about the components of a well-designed private landscape and presents more than 100 lush color photographs of a broad range of outdoor spaces, featuring many suggestions for creating private corners in the garden.
These pages present all the vital elements of a private landscape: walls, fures, gates, trellises, arbors, and outbuildings such as gazebos; tall hedges and shrubs that form natural screens; and fbuntains, waterfalls, and ornamental pools and ponds, which not only inspire calm, but mask outside noises with the sound of splashing water. Creating Privacy in the Garden shows how to screen the open space in front of the home from public view, create a courtyard, or transform back and side yards into private green oases. Delightful sheltered spaces such as secret gardens, benches tucked away into corners, and hidden play areas for children are easy to plan using suggestions in this book.
Finally, fully illustrated and photographed case studies show how ten existing gardens were landscaped to privacy. These problem-solving strategies offer inspiration for any gardener seeking to enjoy more privacy outdoors.


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