TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY / Fizika kategória termékei
Basic Electromagnetic Theory

, : Basic Electromagnetic Theory


New York, 1969


McGraw-Hill Book Company


Fizika Angol nyelv




McGraw-Hill Physical and Quantum Electronics Series


591 p.




This book is designed primarily for undergraduate use. However, it can be also used as an intensive review at the beginning graduate level.
The text presumes that the students have a satisfactory background in calculus and in sophomore physics. In particular, it presumes that they have become acquainted with the basic concepts of energy, force, momentum, and power and of electric charge, electric current, and electric and magnetic fields. Furthermore, it presumes that, in their basic physics courses, the students have adequately covered the historical evolution of subject matter through the inductive process of piecing experimental results together to form a coherent theory.
Based on this premise, the presentation begins with Maxwell's equations, the Lorentz force law, and some subsidiary information, which together form a well-established and complete statement of electromagnetic theory in its most general (nonrelativistic) form. The behavior of electromagnetic fields in special cases is deduced from the general formulation. For example, in the electrostatic case all time derivatives and current densities are set equal to zero. This approach has the advantage of requiring an explicit statement at the beginning of the restrictions under which the special case is valid. Any other approach obscures the limits of validity and, furthermore, frequently leads to erroneous generalization.
Aside from the deductive approach, this text treats most of the classical topics of electromagnetic theory in approximately the traditional sequence. However, several topics which are new and several presentations which are not traditional are given. Many topics are treated in somewhat greater depth and from a somewhat more sophisticated point of view than is customary in an undergraduate text. This is deliberate, and is based on the belief that both the student and the curriculum are moving in this direction.


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