MEZŐGAZDASÁG / Kertészet kategória termékei
Stefan Buczacki's Gardening Dictionary

: Stefan Buczacki's Gardening Dictionary


London, 2000




Kertészet Angol nyelv Wonderful Garden




256 p.






Gardening is a vast subject, It is also, in large measure, an inexact science. And whilst there are generally recognised correct and incorrect ways of performing many of the essential tasks, there is also huge scope for personal experience and personal opinion. No one book can possibly contain everything that every gardener will ever need to know; not even those books entitled 'Encyclopedia'. This book and its companion volume, 'Stefan Buczacki's Plant Dictionary', are quite deliberately called dictionaries rather than encyclopaedias therefore; but they are also personal dictionaries. Both volumes stand alone as works of reference, but fully complement each other. They are books that describe, discuss and explain gardening as I see it and do it. There is nothing here that is outside my own experience and my thext is liberally laced with hints, advice and ideas that I have discovered or found especially useful.
The book is divided into three principal sections. The first encompasses the general wherewthal of gardening, its planning, the tools and equipment needed, the ways of gaining the best from your site; the essential information that will I believe enable all gardeners to perform the vast majority of their gardening tasks in a meaningful and efficient way. The second section describes the types of plant that you might wish to grow in terms of the individual parts of the garden and the way they should be created and managed: the vegetable plot, alpine garden, herbaceous border and so forth. The third section, the Glossary, extends the 'Dictionary' theme to explain those gardening terms and phrases that my experience has indicated are most frequently puzzling or ambigous.


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Hogyan rendelhetek?

A raktáron lévő könyveket a ""-ba helyezve rendelheti meg! Ha a keresett könyv nem található, kérjük, jegyezze elő, s igyekszünk minél hamarabb beszerezni. (További segítség...)


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