TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY / Matematika kategória termékei
History of Mathematics in Hungary until the 20th Century

: History of Mathematics in Hungary until the 20th Century


Budapest, 1992


Akadémiai Kiadó


Matematika Angol nyelv




369 p.






The present work is the first detailed survey of the history of mathematical research in Hungary. Relying on a rich source-material and his own investigations the author makes efforts to integrate the results of research done so far. We can follow the evolution of mathematical thinking in Hungary from the beginnings to the early 20th century. Answers are offered to clear up such questions as the evolution of the Hungarian numerals, the numerical systems at the time of the Hungarian Conquest, the runic system of numbers, and the first steps in the teaching of mathematics. From the time following the invention of typography we have printed arithmetic books, doctoral dissertations defended at universities abroad, and equally important manuscripts that reveal our country's erudition in mathematics. Scientists of Hungarian birth published several books and treatises as early as the 18th century, which contain original results (e.g. Andreas Johannes Segner's work). Although the process of development was set back more than once, at the beginning of the 19th century Hungarian mathematics was on the point of reaching the European level. The work of the two Bolyais - due to the significance of their results- represents a particular era. Research was becoming more and more manifold in the second half of the 19th century when several Hungarian scientists (Jenő Hunyady, Gyula Kőnig, Gyula Vályi, Zoárd Geőcze and others) founded their schools in one or another mathematical discipline. The author describes some basically important results achieved at the turn of the century that influenced universal mathematical research, as well. The volume is complete with a rich material of illustrations, and the last chapter presents a fairly full set of bioghraphical data on a number of Hungarian mathematicians. ,


nincs raktáron, előjegyezhető

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Hogyan rendelhetek?

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